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World Heart Day 2019: How to prevent heart attack and stay healthy

Reported by:  PTC News Desk  Edited by:  Rajan Nath -- September 29th 2019 11:16 AM
World Heart Day 2019: How to prevent heart attack and stay healthy

World Heart Day 2019: How to prevent heart attack and stay healthy

Heart Attack is one of the leading causes of death across the globe. The experts stated that the prevalence of heart disease and stoked has been increased by 50 percent from 1990 to 2016, adding that is important to take important measures and include it in the daily lifestyle to keep the heart-healthy. Here are the following tips to prevent a heart attack and stay healthy: Eat Healthily: Make sure to have a healthy and balanced diet of nutrients like protein, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins, and minerals. For that, you need to consume fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products, eggs/lean meat and grains to your daily diet. Also, reduce salt and red meat to maintain cholesterol and blood pressure. Daily Exercise: The active lifestyle will not only keep your weight in check but also improves the blood circulation, lower cholesterol and blood pressure level. The daily exercise reduces the possibility of a heart attack. Say No to Alcohol and Smoking: To prevent heart attack and stay healthy, you need to steer clear of alcohol, smoking and any of such harmful substances. Be Relaxed and Sleep Properly: Stress is one of the biggest triggers for heart attack across every age groups, therefore, you need to relax by doing Yoga and meditation to reduce stress levels. Likewise, sleep is also necessary in an order to reduce the risk of disorders like obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure, which leads to a heart attack. Maintain Blood Sugar: Excessive level of Sugar in your blood is an extreme risk as it can damage the arteries. Therefore, consult regular check-ups to ensure that your blood sugar is in control to prevent yourself from diabetes. Also Read: Here are the Myths you want to know about Diabetes Symptoms

  • Chest Pain which often feels like a pressure, squeezing, or fullness in the center of the chest. Also, It may be felt in the jaw, shoulder, arms, back, and stomach which can last for more than a few minutes or come and go.
  • Numbness, aching or tingling in the arm (usually the left arm)
  • Cold sweat
  • Vomiting
  • Shortness of breath
  • Light-headedness
  • Weakness, especially elderly and women
-PTC News

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