26 Sep, 2024

Signature Drinks Around the World: From Masala Chai to Vodka

India: Masala Chai – Spiced tea brewed with milk, sugar, and various spices like cardamom and ginger

Source: Google

Ireland: Irish Whiskey – Smooth whiskey often consumed neat or in cocktails like Irish Coffee

Source: Google

Italy: Espresso – A concentrated coffee brew that’s popular across the country

Source: Google

Japan: Sake – A traditional rice wine made through fermenting rice

Source: Google

Mexico: Tequila – A distilled beverage made from the blue agave plant

Source: Google

Russia: Vodka – A clear, distilled alcoholic drink, traditionally consumed straight

Source: Google

Scotland: Scotch Whisky – A world-famous whisky known for its unique smoky flavour

Source: Google

Spain: Sangria – A wine-based cocktail mixed with fruits, brandy, and sweeteners

Source: Google

Turkey: Rakı – An anise-flavored alcoholic drink often diluted with water

Source: Google

USA: Bourbon – A whiskey primarily made from corn, with a distinct caramel flavour

Source: Google

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