17 Sep, 2024

Top 7 Yoga Poses to Burn Calories and Boost Fitness

Surya Namaskar: This dynamic sequence is a full-body workout that targets multiple muscle groups, improving flexibility and endurance while burning calories

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Vinyasa Flow: Vinyasa involves a series of continuous poses that are synchronised with your breath. This fast-paced yoga style increases heart rate and builds strength

Source: Google

Phalakasana (Plank Pose): The plank pose is excellent for engaging your core, shoulders, arms, and legs. Holding it for extended periods builds muscle endurance and burns a significant amount of calories

Source: Google

Utkatasana: In this pose, you squat deeply while keeping your arms raised, engaging your thighs, glutes, and core. Holding Chair Pose helps to tone muscles and boost calorie burn

Source: Google

Virabhadrasana II: It strengthens your legs, glutes, and shoulders. It helps improve stamina while providing a good workout for lower body


Chaturanga Dandasana: This is a challenging pose that builds arm, shoulder, and core strength. The controlled movements involved in lowering your body help to boost metabolism and burn calories

Source: Google

Setu Bandhasana: Bridge pose works on your back, glutes, and hamstrings. It activates large muscle groups and tones the lower body, helping burn calories and improve muscle definition

Source: Google

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