30 Sep, 2024

8 Best Foods to Eat Before Bed for a Better Night’s Sleep

Almonds: A good source of magnesium, which can help relax muscles and improve sleep quality

Source: Google

Turkey: Rich in tryptophan, an amino acid that promotes melatonin production, supporting restful sleep

Source: Google

Kiwi: Contains serotonin and antioxidants that help regulate sleep cycles

Source: Google

Chamomile tea: Known for its calming effects, it may help reduce insomnia and improve sleep quality

Source: Google

Bananas: Packed with magnesium and potassium, which help relax muscles and nerves

Source: Google

Oats: A source of melatonin and complex carbohydrates, they can help induce sleep

Source: Google

Cottage cheese: High in protein and contains tryptophan, aiding in better sleep

Source: Google

Walnuts: Provide a good amount of melatonin, supporting the body's natural sleep-wake cycle

Source: Google

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