23 Aug, 2024

5 Simple Tips to Control Anger Effectively

Use a Stress Ball

Source: Google

Keep a stress ball or fidget toy with you. Squeezing it during moments of anger can help release pent-up energy in a non-destructive way.

Source: Google

Count to Ten (or More)

Source: Google

Before reacting in anger, count slowly to ten. This delay gives you time to cool down and think about your response. If you’re still angry, count to twenty or more.

Source: Google

Write It Down

Source: Google

Grab a notebook or open a note on your phone and write down what’s making you angry. Putting your feelings into words can help you process and reduce their intensity.

Source: Google

Walk It Off

Source: Google

When anger starts to build, go for a walk or engage in another physical activity. Moving your body can help reduce adrenaline levels and calm your mind.

Source: Google

Listen to Music

Source: Google

Put on some calming or uplifting music to change your mood. Music can be a powerful tool to shift your emotions and reduce anger.

Source: Google

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