14 Sep, 2024

5 Fun And Unique Ways to Cook with Chickpeas

Chickpea Cookie Dough

Source: Google

Blend chickpeas with nut butter, a sweetener like maple syrup, vanilla extract, and chocolate chips. It makes a delicious, healthy, and edible cookie dough.

Source: Google

Chickpea and Avocado Toast

Source: Google

Mash chickpeas with avocado, lemon juice, and spices. Spread this mixture on whole-grain toast for a protein-packed breakfast.

Source: Google

Roasted Chickpeas

Source: Google

Toss chickpeas in olive oil and spices, then roast them until crispy. They make a crunchy, healthy snack that can be flavoured in countless ways – from spicy to sweet.

Source: Google

Chickpea Omelette

Source: Google

Mix chickpea flour with water and spices to make a batter. Cook it like an omelette and add your favourite fillings such as veggies, herbs, or cheese.

Source: Google

Chickpea Tacos

Source: Google

Use spiced, pan-fried chickpeas as a filling for tacos. Top with fresh salsa, avocado, and a drizzle of lime for a delicious and satisfying meal.

Source: Google

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