28 Oct, 2024

10 Items to Avoid Buying on Dhanteras for Wealth & Happiness

Avoid Sharp Objects: Do not buy knives, scissors, or any sharp instruments, as they are believed to cut off prosperity.

Source: Google

Stay Away from Broken Items: Avoid purchasing broken or damaged items, as they are associated with negativity and misfortune.

Source: Google

Do Not Buy Death-Related Items: Avoid anything linked to death, as it can invite bad luck.

Source: Google

Avoid black items - Items of black colour are considered bad luck.

Source: Google

Glass items - Glassware is deemed inauspicious due to prevailing myths.

Source: Google

Do not lend money - Avoid lending money or repaying loans.

Source: Google

Iron Items: Buying iron is believed to bring negative energy, so it’s avoided to prevent bad luck from entering the home​

Source: Google

Empty Containers: Purchasing empty containers, especially jars or buckets, could symbolize emptiness or lack, going against the idea of abundance and prosperity​

Source: Google

Second-hand Goods: These items might carry the previous owner’s energy, which could disrupt the flow of wealth in the household​

Source: Google

Minimal use of oil or ghee - People are advised to keep the use of these to a minimum.

Source: Google

Dhanteras 2024: 5 Items You Should Buy for Good Luck & Wealth