23 Sep, 2024

Top Yoga Asanas to Improve Sleep Quality

Yog Nidra or Yogic sleep: This is an ancient technique and it works to alleviate stress and induce sleep

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Ease into the Shavasan, take deep breaths & slowly perform a guided body relaxation

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Bhramari Pranayam / Humming Bee: It is an excellent technique to calm anger and release stress

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Sit down & keep your eyes closed. Cover both your ears with thumbs, rest the balance of four fingers on face with normal breathing & make humming sound while keeping your mouth closed

Source: Google

Supta Baddha Konasana: It gently opens the hips and the shoulders

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Bend your knees and bring the bottoms of your feet together while lying on your back. Bring your feet on the floor, heels close to the hips. Let your knees open wide apart

Source: Google

Makarasana or Crocodile Pose: It is an extremely relaxing technique

Source: Google

Lie on your belly with arms crossed under your head. Rest the forehead on the wrist of the hands and turn out your heels and let the legs flop open

Source: Google

Viparita Karani: This is an excellent pose to relieve tired legs and feet

Source: Google

Lie on your back. Lift one leg up, then the other, and place your feet on the wall. Extend your arms along the sides, palms up

Source: Google

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