23 Sep, 2024

Top Signs Your Body Lacks Nutrients

Fatigue and Weakness: Constant tiredness may indicate deficiencies in iron, vitamin D, or B12, which are essential for energy production

Source: Google

Brittle Hair and Nails: Lack of biotin or other B vitamins can lead to weak, brittle hair and nails that break easily

Source: Google

Dry Skin: Insufficient vitamin A, C, or essential fatty acids may cause your skin to feel dry, flaky, or prone to irritation

Source: Google

Frequent Infections: A weakened immune system due to low levels of vitamin C, zinc, or selenium makes you more prone to colds and infections

Source: Google

Slow Wound Healing: Deficiencies in zinc and vitamin C slow down the body's ability to repair and regenerate tissues

Source: Google

Poor Night Vision: A lack of vitamin A can cause trouble seeing in low light, leading to night blindness

Source: Google

Muscle Cramps: Low levels of magnesium, calcium, or potassium can result in frequent muscle cramps or spasms

Source: Google

Mouth Sores: A deficiency in iron, B vitamins, or folate can cause painful ulcers or sores in the mouth and around the lips

Source: Google

Mood Swings and Depression: Insufficient omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, or B12 can contribute to anxiety, irritability, and depression

Source: Google

Pale Skin: A sign of iron or B12 deficiency, pale skin indicates a lack of oxygen-rich red blood cells in your body

Source: Google

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