17 Jul, 2024

Oily skin in monsoon? Skincare tips

Cleansing is Essential: Cleansing forms the foundation of any skincare routine, and it's especially important for oily skin during the monsoon season.

Source: Google

Next, Exfoliation: Regular exfoliation is a game-changer for oily skin. It helps remove dead cells, unclog pores, and control excess oil.

Source: Google

Don’t Skip the Toner: Toning is often overlooked, but it’s crucial for maintaining your skin's pH balance. Opt for an alcohol-free toner.

Source: Google

Choose Lightweight Moisturizers: Even in the monsoons, moisturizing is essential. Hydrated skin is healthy skin, so ensure you don’t skip this step.

Source: Google

Include Sunscreen in Your Routine: Always prioritise sun protection, even during the rainy season. UV rays can penetrate through clouds, leading to skin damage.

Source: Google

Opt for Serums: Serums are lightweight and absorb quickly, making them perfect for oily skin. Unlike heavier creams, they deliver concentrated skin-loving ingredients deep into the skin.

Source: Google

Keep Makeup Light: Heavy makeup can feel uncomfortable and may clog pores in the monsoons. Stick to a minimalist approach with lightweight, waterproof products.

Source: Google

Use a Makeup Remover: It’s important to cleanse your skin at the end of the day. Rainwater, humidity, and sweat can cause makeup to smudge and settle into your pores,

Source: Google

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