07 Aug, 2024

Natural Remedies to get rid of a Sore Throat

Honey and Lemon

Source: Google

Honey has soothing properties, lemon provides vitamin C which boost immune system

Source: Google

Turmeric milk

Source: Google

Turmeric help treat a chronic cold as well as a sore throat because of its natural antibacterial qualities

Source: Google

Apple Cider Vinegar

Source: Google

Apple Cider help to kill bacteria and soothe the throat

Source: Google

Saltwater gargle

Source: Google

Salt water relieves inflammation, improves healing, and prevents bacterial development in the mouth

Source: Google

Warm Compress

Source: Google

Applying a warm compress to the neck can help relax the muscles and soothe throat discomfort

Source: Google

5 Warning Signs Your Digestive Health Might Be in Trouble