01 Sep, 2023

National Nutrition Week: Enhance Your Diet with These Top 10 Nutritional Foods

Leafy Greens: Foods such as spinach, kale, and Swiss chard are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants while being low in calories

Source: Google

Berries: Blueberries, strawberries and raspberries are packed with antioxidants, fiber and vitamins

Source: Google

Fatty Fish: Salmon, mackerel and sardines are excellent sources of Omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for heart and brain health

Source: Google

Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, walnuts, chia seeds and flaxseeds provide healthy fats, protein and essential minerals

Source: Google

Whole Grains: Foods such as quinoa, brown rice and oats are high in fiber and provide sustained energy

Source: Google

Legumes: Beans, lentils and chickpeas are rich in protein, fiber, and various vitamins and minerals

Source: Google

Greek Yogurt: It's a good source of protein, probiotics and calcium, which are essential for gut health and bone strength

Source: Google

Eggs: Eggs are a complete source of protein and contain important nutrients such as Vitamin B12 and Choline

Source: Google

Chia Seeds: Packed with fiber, healthy fats and iron, chia seeds are beneficial for digestion, satiety and brain health

Source: Google

Colourful Vegetables: Carrots, bell peppers, sweet potatoes and tomatoes are rich in vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber

Source: Google

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