11 Sep, 2024

Effective Yoga Poses to Help Reduce Belly Fat

Surya Namaskar | Helps in detoxification, keeps you healthy and energized

Source: Google

Tadasana | Improves blood circulation, activates core and other peripheral areas

Source: Google

Padahastasana | Relieves anxiety, mental & physical exhaustion, improves digestion

Source: Google

Paschimottanasana | Relieves stress, balances menstrual cycles

Source: Google

Pavanamuktasana | Strengthens back & abdominal muscles, helps in digestion, tones the muscles

Source: Google

Naukasana | Strengthens abdominal muscles, improves digestion

Source: Google

Ustrasana | Strengthens the back muscles, improves posture

Source: Google

Uttanpadasana | Treats acidity & constipation, cures back pain, improves blood circulation

Source: Google

Marjariasana | Helps correct your posture, relieves tension in lower back

Source: Google

Bhujangasana | Tones the abdomen, improves flexibility, reduces stress and fatigue

Source: Google

Healthy Alternatives to Milk Tea