22 Jul, 2024

Dos and Don'ts of Wearing Contact Lenses

Clean Lenses Properly

Source: Google

Clean your lenses using the prescribed cleaning solution. Rub and rinse them according to the instructions

Source: Google

Always use fresh lenses

Source: Google

Always use a fresh cleaning or disinfecting solution when storing your lenses. Do not reuse lenses

Source: Google

Do not use lenses with water

Source: Google

Do not clean or store your lenses with water, saliva, or any other non-sterile solution

Source: Google

Don’t Overwear Lenses

Source: Google

Do not wear your lenses for longer than recommended. Overwearing can cause discomfort and eye health problems

Source: Google

Do Not Sleep in Lenses

Source: Google

It is not advised to sleep in contact lenses

Source: Google

Economic Survey 2024: 10 Key Points to Know