24 Oct, 2024

Common Myths to Bust About PCOS

PCOS Causes Infertility

Source: Google

Women are often made to believe PCOS can make difficult for them to conceive which is absolutely untrue

Source: Google

Cysts On Ovaries Accounts for PCOS

Source: Google

It is not important for women to have cysts on ovaries if they have PCOS

Source: Google

PCOS Only Affects Overweight Women

Source: Google

While weight gain can be a common symptom, PCOS can affect all women of all body type

Source: Google

Weight Loss can cure PCOS

Source: Google

It is true that weight loss can help alleviate some symptoms but it is not a cure

Source: Google

PCOS is a Rare Condition

Source: Google

It is actually a common condition affecting 1 in every 10 women worldwide

Source: Google

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