27 Sep, 2024

Benefits of Drinking Blue Tea

Rich in antioxidants: Antioxidants are beneficial compounds that scavenge molecules known as free radicals.

Source: Google

Promotes heart health: Drinking blue tea may boost your heart health by improving blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Source: Google

May have anti-diabetes properties: Anthocyanins in blue tea may help manage your blood sugar levels.

Source: Google

Anti-fungal and antimicrobial properties: Certain antioxidants found in the flower may offer anti-fungal properties against Penicillium expansum conidia.

Source: Google

Improved brain health: Animal studies suggest that butterfly pea extract may improve memory and prevent further memory loss in Alzheimer’s Disease.

Source: Google

Caffeine-free alternative: Since blue tea is made from butterfly pea flowers and not the Camellia sinensis plant — the source of caffeine in black tea.

Source: Google

Blue tea is an herbal infusion made by steeping butterfly pea flowers in hot water.

Source: Google

Natural food colorant: The blue color of butterfly pea flowers is a popular alternative to artificial blue food colorants, which have become increasingly disfavored due to health concerns.

Source: Google

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