26 Sep, 2024

7 Genius Hacks to Keep Bhindi Crisp and Non-Sticky Every Time!

The first step to ensure slime-free bhindi is to pick the right kind of raw bhindi from the market. Check if the bhindi is soft and doesn't contain too many seeds.

Source: Google

The slime or mucilage increases with moisture or water. So after washing raw bhindi, always make sure to dry it properly on a clean towel before cooking.

Source: Google

Add a teaspoon of curd when sauteing bhindi, before it starts developing slime. The bhindi will be non-sticky and you'll also like the extra tangy flavour.

Source: Google

Add flour to your bhindi right at the start. It is believed that if you add a spoonful of Bengal gram flour (besan) to bhindi and roast with it.

Source: Google

You can also make a vinegar solution by mixing one cup of water and 1/4 cup of vinegar and soak the raw bhindi in the solution.

Source: Google

Since moisture is a big culprit here, make sure to not cover the pan in which your bhindi is cooking.

Source: Google

When you put on the lid, steam builds up and leads to moisture.

Source: Google

Salt is also known to produce moisture. So add it towards the end of the cooking process, when bhindi is almost cooked.

Source: Google

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