15 Dec, 2023

7 Foods That Could Ease Symptoms of Seasonal Allergies

Ginger: Reduces inflammatory symptoms in nasal passages, eyes, and throat, providing natural relief from allergy discomfort.

Source: Google

Bee Pollen: Often consumed as a hay fever remedy, bee pollen, a mix of enzymes, nectar, and honey, offers potential relief from allergies.

Source: Google

Citrus Fruits: While not a cold preventive, vitamin C in citrus fruits can shorten cold duration and aid allergy sufferers by reducing allergic rhinitis.

Source: Google

Turmeric: Known for anti-inflammatory properties, curcumin in turmeric helps alleviate swelling and irritation linked to allergic rhinitis.

Source: Google

Tomatoes: High in vitamin C, tomatoes offer about 26% of the daily vitamin C requirement, aiding in allergy relief like citrus fruits.

Source: Google

Salmon & Oily Fish: Omega-3 fatty acids in fish potentially boost allergy resistance and improve asthma symptoms.

Source: Google

Onions: Rich in quercetin, a bioflavonoid, onions serve as a natural source to ease allergy symptoms and are often available as a dietary supplement.

Source: Google

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