12 Jun, 2024

5 Unique Skincare Tips for Heatwaves

Aloe Vera Ice Cubes

Source: Google

Freeze aloe vera gel in ice cube trays. Use these cubes to soothe sunburns or simply to cool down your skin. Aloe vera has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce redness and irritation

Source: Google

Green Tea Compresses

Source: Google

Soak cotton pads in chilled green tea and apply them to your face. Green tea has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that can soothe irritated skin and reduce redness.

Source: Google

Coconut Water Spritz

Source: Google

Fill a spray bottle with coconut water and use it as a refreshing face mist. Coconut water is hydrating and contains antioxidants that can benefit your skin

Source: Google

Hydrogel Patches

Source: Google

Apply hydrogel patches to areas prone to sweating, like your forehead and upper lip. These patches can help absorb sweat and prevent makeup from melting.

Source: Google

Natural Deodorant Spray

Source: Google

Make a natural deodorant spray using water, witch hazel, and a few drops of tea tree oil. This helps keep your underarms fresh and reduces irritation from sweat

Source: Google

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