09 Sep, 2024

5 Tips to Maintain Your Weight During Festivals

Keep Moving

Source: Google

Stay physically active during the festive season. Even light exercises like walking or dancing can help balance out the extra calories.

Source: Google

Don’t Skip Meals

Source: Google

Skipping meals in anticipation of a large festive feast can lead to overeating. Instead, have small, balanced meals throughout the day.

Source: Google

Mindful Eating

Source: Google

Be conscious of what and how much you're eating. Enjoy each bite, and eat slowly to allow your body to recognize when it's full.

Source: Google

Focus on Fruits and Vegetables

Source: Google

Add fiber-rich foods like fruits and vegetables to your meals to keep you full longer and reduce the temptation to snack.

Source: Google

Limit Sugary Beverages

Source: Google

Avoid sugary drinks like sodas and packaged juices. Opt for fresh juices or infused water instead.

Source: Google

Fun Ways to Use Tomato Chutney