07 Jul, 2024

5 Foods to Eat Before Your Workout


Source: Google

High in potassium and carbohydrates, bananas provide a quick source of energy and help maintain muscle function.

Source: Google


Source: Google

Rich in fiber, oats release carbohydrates slowly, providing a sustained energy source.

Source: Google

Greek Yogurt

Source: Google

Packed with protein and carbohydrates, Greek yogurt helps build muscle and provides lasting energy.

Source: Google


Source: Google

Full of antioxidants and simple carbohydrates, berries give a quick energy boost and reduce muscle soreness.

Source: Google

Whole Grain Bread

Source: Google

Provides complex carbohydrates for sustained energy, and you can pair it with protein sources like peanut butter.

Source: Google

15 Minutes Instant Indian Breakfast Recipes