26 Jul, 2023

10 Tips to Prevent Conjunctivitis

Hand hygiene: Wash your hands frequently with soap and water, especially after touching your eyes or coming into contact with someone who has conjunctivitis.

Source: Google

Avoid touching your eyes: Refrain from touching or rubbing your eyes, as this can transfer bacteria or viruses from your hands to your eyes.

Source: Google

Avoid sharing: Don't share towels, washcloths, eye makeup, contact lenses & cases with others as these can harbour infectious agents.

Source: Google

Clean and disinfect: Regularly clean and disinfect surfaces that may come into contact with your eyes, such as eyeglasses, sunglasses, and computer screens.

Source: Google

Protect your eyes: If you are involved in activities that can cause eye irritation or injury, wear protective eyewear like safety goggles or glasses.

Source: Google

Proper contact lens care: If you wear contact lenses, follow the proper cleaning and disinfecting guidelines recommended by your eye care professional.

Source: Google

Maintain eye health: Ensure you have regular eye check-ups to monitor your eye health and detect any potential issues early.

Source: Google

Avoid close contact with infected individuals: If someone you know has conjunctivitis, try to maintain a safe distance and avoid sharing personal items with them.

Source: Google

Practice respiratory hygiene: If you have a respiratory infection, like a cold or flu, be extra cautious and avoid touching your eyes to prevent spreading germs.

Source: Google

Stay informed: Keep yourself updated on conjunctivitis outbreaks in your area and follow any preventive measures recommended by health authorities.

Source: Google

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