13 Sep, 2024

10 Nutrient-Packed Foods to Help You Gain Weight Healthily

Rice | Carb-loaded & calorie-dense food to help you gain weight faster

Source: Google

​Nut & nut butter | Healthy sources of fat and help in gaining muscle mass

Source: Google

Starchy vegetables | Easy way to add more carbs and calories to your diet

Source: Google

Milk | Rich in calcium, proteins, carbs and fats

Source: Google

Banana Milkshake | Healthiest and one of most high-calorie foods

Source: Google

Chickpeas | Has high portions of calories & proteins

Source: Google

Dark chocolate | High in fats, calories and contain antioxidants

Source: Google

Whole eggs | Full of proteins, calcium and healthy fats

Source: Google

Chicken and meat | Best sources of high-quality protein

Source: Google

Fatty fish | Has calories and many nutrients like omega-3 and protein

Source: Google

10 creative ways to use food scraps