20 May, 2023

10 Home remedies to subdue anxiety symptoms

Try 4-minute body scan meditation: This technique helps in recognizing when and where you feel the physical effects of anxiety and help you in tackling them

Source: Google

Reduce or stop using nicotine: Nicotine in cigarettes tobacco, and caffeine in coffees, teas and soft drinks can exasperate anxiety symptoms

Source: Google

Nature for healing: Spending time in nature can help relieve anxiety symptoms

Source: Google

Mindful eating: Mindful eating facilitates self- awareness, reduces anxiety and also renews our experience with the pleasure of eating

Source: Google

Shift from passive to active perspective: Talk to yourself in a positive and self- assuring way

Source: Google

Sleep well: Lack of sleep is known to negatively affect mood and emotional health. So, try getting 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep on a daily basis

Source: Google

Play soft music: Whenever you feel you are getting keyed up, try playing soft music or nature sounds

Source: Google

Gut-brain relationship: Your gut and brain are very closely linked. When one gets negatively affected, the other one is affected too

Source: Google

Using imagination to Relax: Using your imagination is a good way to help you relax

Source: Google

Drink chamomile tea: A cup of chamomile tea is a common home remedy to calm frayed nerves and promote sleep

Source: Google

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