05 Aug, 2024

10 Foods To Avoid Before Sleeping!

Dark Chocolate: Dark chocolate is a sneaky culprit due to its caffeine and amino acid content. These compounds can keep you awake at night, making the next day feel dull.

Source: Google

Ice Cream: Ice cream is a favourite dessert, often enjoyed before bed. However, the sugar in ice cream can disrupt your sleep.

Source: Google

Sugar: Sugar is a major sleep disruptor in any food. It can spike your energy levels, making it hard to fall asleep quickly.

Source: Google

Coffee: We all know that coffee can keep you awake at night. Caffeine can stay in your system for hours, so it's best to avoid coffee several hours before bedtime.

Source: Google

Cheese: Have you heard that eating cheese at night can lead to strange dreams? It might be true. Cheese contains the amino acid tyramine, which can keep your brain alert.

Source: Google

Red Meat & Chicken: These are rich in animal-based proteins, which require a lot of energy to digest. This prolonged digestion can disrupt your sleep schedule.

Source: Google

Alcohol: While a glass of wine or beer may make you feel drowsy, it can harm your sleep patterns. Alcohol before bed can lead to poor sleep quality and frequent awakenings.

Source: Google

Pizza: A classic midnight craving, pizza, is not a good option before bed. Its cheese is rich in fat, and the tomato sauce is acidic, making it a poor choice for late-night eating.

Source: Google

Tomatoes: Tomatoes are highly acidic and can cause heartburn or indigestion. They also contain tyramine, which increases brain activity and delays sleep.

Source: Google

Diuretic Foods: Diuretic foods, like celery, carrots, cucumber, ginger, watermelons, and alcohol, induce excess urination.

Source: Google

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