Bananas are a great food for quick energy recovery, and they’re high in magnesium, which can be helpful when people have headaches/migraine
Source: Google
Watermelon has a lot of water in it. Getting enough fluids is important for all aspects of health, including migraine
Source: Google
Magnesium deficiency is one of the most common nutritional causes of migraine or cluster headaches. So have plenty of nuts like flaxseeds, sprouted pumpkin seeds, and chia seeds
Source: Google
Peppermint Tea can help with overall hydration, which in itself can prevent or relieve a headache. So, go and grab a cup of peppermint tea when you have headache
Source: Google
Some people develop headaches because they have either absorption issues in their lower intestine or leaky gut. Add foods that are high in riboflavin (also known as B2) such as mushrooms, quinoa, nuts and eggs
Source: Google
Many people with migraine experience gastrointestinal symptoms, including constipation; and dehydration can contribute to headaches. Plain yogurt is a probiotic food that can address both issues
Source: Google
Changes in hormone levels can lead to headaches, especially for women with menstrual migraine or headaches. Broccoli may help prevent menstrual migraine
Source: Google
If your headaches are accompanied by nausea, ginger should be your best friend
Source: Google
Walnuts and avocados are both rich in both omega-3 fatty acids and magnesium. People who consume this on regular basis have fewer headaches
Source: Google
Okay, so it's not actually a food, but staying hydrated is the one of the most important things you can do to treat and prevent migraines
Source: Google
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