End of an era: Generation Alpha comes to end marking beginning of Gen Beta
PTC News Desk: The arrival of New Year 2025 has also marked the end of Generation Alpha marking beginning of Generation Beta.
You’re likely familiar with the generations that have come before this: the Greatest Generation (roughly 1900-1924), the Silent Generation (1925-1945), Baby Boomers (1946-1964), Generation X (1965-1979), Millennials (1980-1994), Generation Z (1995-2012), and Generation Alpha.
With the start of 2025, Gen Beta will be the seventh generation since generations started being named in 1901, with the Greatest Generation.
Generations are typically defined as groups of people within a specific time period who share common cultural, social, and historical experiences.
The concept of generations helps us understand how different age groups engage with their environment and how their shared experiences drive societal changes over time.