Sun, Sep 8, 2024

Dr Surjit Patar: The Heartbeat of Punjab's Poetry, Gone But Forever Echoing | A Tribute

Dr Surjit Patar was more than just a poet; he was a custodian of Punjab's rich cultural heritage, a torchbearer who illuminated the path for generations to come

Reported by:  PTC News Desk  Edited by:  Jasleen Kaur -- May 14th 2024 04:15 PM
Dr Surjit Patar: The Heartbeat of Punjab's Poetry, Gone But Forever Echoing | A Tribute

Dr Surjit Patar: The Heartbeat of Punjab's Poetry, Gone But Forever Echoing | A Tribute

Je ayi pathjhar taa fer ki hai

tu agli rutt ch yakeen rakhin,

main labh ke lyona kalma kito

Tu fullan jogi jameen rakhin…..........

In the heart of Punjab, where the fields dance with golden wheat and the air hums with the echoes of folk melodies, there existed a poet whose words carved pathways to the soul of the land. Dr Surjit Patar, a name synonymous with the essence of Punjabiat, breathed life into the verses that echoed through the ages, immortalising the spirit of his beloved homeland.

The news of Dr Surjit Patar's sudden departure shook the very foundation of Punjabi literature and reverberated across the globe, leaving a void that seemed insurmountable. For those who knew him intimately, it was a bolt out of the blue, a cruel twist of fate that snatched away a luminary when his light shone brightest.

Dr Patar's journey was woven intricately with the fabric of Punjab Agricultural University, where he found not just a workplace, but a sanctuary for his poetic soul. From the lush fields to the whispered secrets of the university walls, every corner resonated with his verses, each stone bearing witness to the magic he wove with his pen.

But Dr Surjit Patar was more than just a poet; he was a custodian of Punjab's rich cultural heritage, a torchbearer who illuminated the path for generations to come. His poetry transcended linguistic and regional boundaries, touching the hearts of readers far and wide with its depth and resonance.

In the corridors of PAU, amidst the tumultuous waves of political and social activism, Dr Patar's voice soared, carrying with it the hopes and dreams of a people yearning for change. It was here, in the midst of chaos and upheaval, that his literary genius flourished, finding solace in the embrace of his beloved alma mater.

For almost four decades, Dr Surjit Patar's words served as a beacon of hope for Punjabis everywhere, forging a connection that transcended time and space. His poetry was not just a reflection of his own experiences, but a mirror that reflected the soul of Punjab, with all its joys and sorrows, triumphs and tribulations.

But perhaps, it was Dr Surjit Patar's humility and kindness that endeared him to all who knew him. Despite his towering achievements and accolades, he remained grounded, a gentle soul who listened more than he spoke, whose words flowed like a river, carrying with them the wisdom of ages.

As we bid farewell to this luminary of Punjabi literature, let us remember not just the poet, but the man behind the verses — a man whose love for his land knew no bounds, whose words touched the hearts of millions, and whose legacy will endure for generations to come.

Dr Surjit Patar may have left us physically, but his spirit lives on in the timeless verses he left behind. Let us cherish his words, celebrate his legacy, and keep the flame of Punjabiat burning bright, for he shall remain forever above any judgmental debate, a true son of Punjab, a beacon of light in the darkness.


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