Sputnik V will neutralise Omicron, if needed booster jabs out by Feb 2022: RDIF
Sputnik Omicron boosters: Russian Gamaleya Institute believes its Sputnik V and Light vaccines will neutralize the new Omicron variant of Covid-19 as they have the highest efficacy against mutations of the novel coronavirus, said Kirill Dmitriev, Chief Executive Officer of the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF), on Monday.
However in the unlikely case that a modification is needed, Dmitriev said the vaccine manufacturer will provide several hundred million Sputnik Omicron boosters by February 20, 2022.
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"Gamaleya Inst believes Sputnik V and Light will neutralize Covid-19 variant 'Omicron' as they have the highest efficacy vs other mutations. In the unlikely case a modification is needed, we will provide several hundred million Sputnik Omicron boosters by Feb 20, 2022," Dmitriev said.
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The WHO, on November 27, named the new Covid-19 variant B.1.1.529, which has been detected in South Africa, as 'Omicron'.This variant has a large number of mutations, some of which are concerning. The number of cases of this variant appears to be increasing in almost all provinces in South Africa.
Based on the evidence presented indicative of a detrimental change in Covid-19 epidemiology, the Technical Advisory Group on SARS-CoV-2 Virus Evolution (TAG-VE) has advised the WHO that this variant should be designated as a VOC, and the WHO has designated B.1.1.529 as a VOC, named Omicron, a statement said.
Meanwhile, the WHO has also raised alarm among countries after a new variant of COVID-19 has been classified in South Africa, the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) said in a statement.
Austria, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands were among those that joined the United Kingdom in restricting flights from southern Africa.