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Post-mortem report: Alwar lynching victim died of shock

Reported by:  PTC News Desk  Edited by:  Shanker Badra -- July 24th 2018 01:02 PM -- Updated: July 24th 2018 01:03 PM
Post-mortem report: Alwar lynching victim died of shock

Post-mortem report: Alwar lynching victim died of shock

Post-mortem report: Alwar lynching victim died of shock Alwar lynching victim Rakbar Khan died of shock due to his injuries, the post-mortem report confirmed. Khan died after suspected cow vigilantes assaulted him at Alwar’s Lalavandi village on Saturday morning. Heading the probe committee in the case, said inspector general of police (law and order) NRK Reddy said, “At the preliminary stage, we have found that there was some error in judgment. There was a time lapse of three hours, and the incident could have been avoided if the police had responded more efficiently.” An assistant sub-inspector has been suspended, three constables were transferred to the Alwar police lines in this connection, said Reddy. Three people have been arrested so far. According to Aslam Khan, who was with Rakbar at the time of the attack, the duo had bought two cows for Rs 60,000 and were herding them home when they heard gunshots. “As we were passing through Lalavandi, some people started shouting that we were trying to steal cows. They rushed towards us. I got scared and ran into a field,” he said. Aslam said he could not see the attackers because of darkness, but could recognise their voices as they were “abusing us very loudly”. He remained hidden in the field until daybreak on Saturday before returning to his village in Haryana. -PTC News

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