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Jammu and Kashmir Chief Secretary briefs Media in Srinagar over the current situation

Reported by:  PTC News Desk  Edited by:  Rajan Nath -- August 16th 2019 03:34 PM
Jammu and Kashmir Chief Secretary briefs Media in Srinagar over the current situation

Jammu and Kashmir Chief Secretary briefs Media in Srinagar over the current situation

Jammu and Kashmir Chief Secretary, BVR Subrahmanyam on Friday briefed Media in Srinagar. He said, "In implementing the decision taken last fortnight, cross-border terrorism required the Government to put in place certain preventing steps. An important factor was credible inputs that such organizations were planning to undertake strikes in Jammu and Kashmir in immediate future". "Steps consequently taken included restrictions on free movement and telecom connectivity prevention of large gathering, closure of schools and colleges. A few preventive detentions of individuals were also made in accordance with provisions of law to maintain law and order", he added. BVR Subrahmanyam said, "Schools will be opened after the weekend area by area. Movement of public transport to be made operational. Government offices are functional from Friday onwards. Telecom connectivity will be gradually eased and restored in a phased manner." "12 out of 22 districts are functioning normally with some limited restrictions in 5 districts. The measures put in place have ensured that there has not been a single loss of life", said Jammu and Kashmir Chief Secretary. Also Read PM Imran Khan in the US: 'There were 40 different militant groups operating within Pakistan' Adding on, Jammu and Kashmir Chief Secretary said, "Preventive detentions are being reviewed and appropriate decisions will be made based on law and order assessments. The government's focus is on the earliest return to normalcy while ensuring that terrorist forces are given no opportunity to wreak havoc as in the past". -PTC News

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