Ludhiana Kanunga dies due to coronavirus
A 58-year-old Kanungo in Revenue Department who tested positive for coronavirus in Ludhiana died on Friday. According to the information, he has not been on official duty since March 21. Earlier, Punjab Chief Secretary had tweeted that "The Ludhiana Kanungo was never called for any duty after March 22. He was in his home. His father, mother, son and daughter are living with him. His mother-in-law has also been in his home for some days."
"His son told me that he has not any travel history and neither was he in contact with any person," he added. Meanwhile, four relatives of the Kanungo have been admitted to the Civil Hospital in Ludhiana, as a precautionary measure, even though they were not showing any symptoms. Reportedly, three of them are over 70 years of age.
Ludhiana also reported three new cases on Friday. Out of these 3 cases, one of them is a resident of Ferozepur, thus reporting its first case in the district. Three cases reported from Ludhiana include the contacts of the ACP, who had earlier tested positive for coronavirus.
The ACP's wife, his gunman, a resident of Ferozepur and a sub-inspector posted as Basti Jodhewal SHO tested positive for coronavirus.