Thu, Jan 9, 2025

Stop kissing and wear mask while having sex, Canada's top doctor suggests

Reported by:  PTC News Desk  Edited by:  Rajan Nath -- September 03rd 2020 09:25 PM -- Updated: September 03rd 2020 09:28 PM
Stop kissing and wear mask while having sex, Canada's top doctor suggests

Stop kissing and wear mask while having sex, Canada's top doctor suggests

Canada's chief medical officer said that you can protect yourself from catching coronavirus by skipping kissing and wearing a mask while having sex. The medical officer added that going solo remains the lowest risk sexual option in a pandemic. According to Dr. Theresa Tam, there is little chance of contracting COVID-19 from semen or vaginal fluid, but the sexual activity with new partners increases the risk of contracting the pandemic. Especially, if there is close contact like kissing. Theresa said that there are measures you can do to minimize the risk of contracting the contagion disease and spreading the virus. So, Theresa suggested to skip kissing, avoid face-to-face closeness, wear a mask that covers your mouth and nose, monitors yourself and your partner for symptoms ahead of any sexual activity. Also Read | PUBG Ban: All is still not gone Tam said that sexual health is an essential part of overall health and by taking precautions you can enjoy physical intimacy while safeguarding the progress we have all made containing COVID-19. Fortunately, the new daily cases are far below the peak volumes, but there has been a recent small increase in infections. -PTC News

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