Zipline horror: Woman falls 60ft to her death after slipping from safety harness in Italy

41-year-old woman stopped on the zipline's steel rope and was held in midair for a short while

By  Shefali Kohli May 10th 2024 12:10 PM

Zipline horror: In a tragic, dreadful and spine-chilling incident, a 41-year-old woman died while riding a zipline at Fly Emotion Park in Lombardo, Italy. 

Ghizlane Moutahir fell over 60 feet after slipping out of her safety harness in front of her family members.

The zipline, which provided stunning vistas at fast speeds, was scheduled to take her 750 feet over the terrain before coming to a halt. Unfortunately, her harness failed at the end of the ride, resulting in a fatal fall. 

Emergency personnel attempted to save her, but she died from her injuries upon impact.

In the statement, Matteo Sanguineti, CEO of the Fly Emotion company said, "We still don't know precisely what may have happened. I am shocked and in disbelief. We are at the complete disposal of the judiciary which is now investigating. And we are close to the victim's family. Over 200 thousand people will have flown on the crossing between the towns of Bema and Albaredo. I am shocked and incredulous."

As per the police reports, the 41-year-old woman stopped on the zipline's steel rope and was held in midair for a short while. In the meanwhile, authorities think that she might have detected the sudden cessation during this gap, which could have led to her panicking and struggling. She therefore lost her balance and fell about twenty meters onto the trees below. 

Investigators are looking at a number of scenarios, such as the possibility that she was distressed due to a panic attack or another medical condition. To confirm any underlying causes, they are awaiting the findings of the post-mortem examination.

In response to the tragic incident, officials have taken immediate measures. The park has been temporarily closed as a precautionary step, allowing authorities to conduct thorough inspections of the safety equipment. 

This unfortunate event has sparked investigations into safety protocols and procedures at the zipline facility, raising concerns about the risks involved in such activities.                    

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