World Cancer Day 2021: Simple tips to prevent cancer

By  Gitanjali Mangal February 4th 2021 05:52 PM

World Cancer Day is an international day noted on February 4 to raise awareness of cancer and to encourage its prevention, detection, and treatment. Also Read | Musk's SpaceX to launch first all-civilian mission with tech CEO

The day is led by the Union for International Cancer Control to support the goals of the World Cancer Declaration, which were written in 2008. Cancer is a deadly disease and is spreading fast due to the hectic and busy lifestyle we follow. Common types of Cancer in India are lung cancer, skin cancer, ovarian cancer, cervix cancer and breast cancer. Image result for cancer day It doesn’t develop overnight and certain lifestyle habits and cancer fighting foods can help to prevent us from this life-threatening disease. Here are some simple tips which can help you prevent cancer:
  • Include onion, garlic, brazil nuts and wild salmon in your diet. These nutrients help the body to produce cancer-fighting cells or agents and help them die naturally and prevent it from spreading.
  • Avoid consuming sugary drinks: Sugary drinks not only give you diabetes and obesity but is also the biggest cause of endometrial cancer. Try and avoid them!
  • Eat Broccoli: Broccoli is considered as a super cancer-fighting food and is highly recommended to have in steamed form rather than boiled or fried.
  • Green Tea is also a savior when it comes to cancer. Green tea drinkers have a reduced risk of ovarian, breast, prostate and lung cancer.
  • Exercise regularly: Maintaining your body weight not only helps you to prevent other diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and thyroid but also helps you in preventing cancer.
  • Skin cancer is one of the most common and most preventable cancers in India. Avoid going out in the sun during the strongest rays and Keep yourself covered when moving out in the sun.
  • Say no to tobacco: Having tobacco, especially smoking can lead to causing cancer.
-PTC News

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