Paris Olympic 2024 set to be among highest-risk events in the history | Know why

At least 30,000 police officials, increasing to 45,000 at peak times, will be on duty throughout the four-week Olympics and Paralympics across the Ile-de-France region, including Paris

By  Jasleen Kaur July 26th 2024 07:10 PM

Paris Olympics 2024: The Paris Olympic 2024 are set to be among the highest-risk events in the history. The risk can be attributed to internal strife within France, besides heightened global geopolitical tensions. For the organisers, France's volatile political climate and the potential for protests or violence pose significant challenges.

Notably, rising tensions between major powers add to the security threats, thereby making the Olympic Games a potential target for state-sponsored actors with their own agendas. In response, organizess are taking unprecedented security measures, and have deployed a record number of security personnel.

At least 30,000 police officials, increasing to 45,000 at peak times, will be on duty throughout the four-week Olympics and Paralympics across the Ile-de-France region, including Paris. Additionally, police forces from across Europe will assist in these security efforts.

A major concern is the threat from Islamist terrorist networks. Past attacks on sporting and cultural events, along with reports of foiled attempts by the French authorities, underscore this risk. The escalation of the Israeli-Hamas conflict following the October 7, 2023, terror attack intensifies this danger.

Islamist terrorists may exploit the situation, positioning themselves as defenders of Palestinians and Muslims, and potentially targeting Western countries that support Israel.

Daesh (ISIS) is a primary suspect, operating as an umbrella network that offers justification, inspiration, and identity to lone actors and small cells. The possibility of Hamas conducting operations on European soil, evidenced by arrests in Denmark and Germany, complicates the landscape.

Historically, Hamas has focused on Israel, distancing itself from international Islamist terrorist networks like Daesh and Al Qaeda. However, the dynamics have shifted post-October 7, framing the conflict as a broader Arab and Muslim cause against a morally corrupt West supporting Israel. This shift could lead to cooperation between Hamas and Daesh.

The Munich 1972 Olympics serve as a tragic reminder of the vulnerability of such events. The infiltration of the Olympic Village, the killing of Israeli athletes, and the taking of hostages by Black September highlight the dangers.

The anti-Semitic atmosphere in Europe and past rhetoric justifying attacks on Israelis suggest Israeli athletes and fans could be at heightened risk during the Paris Games.

Further, potential threats include hostage-taking, suicide bombings, and planted explosives. While suicide bombings have become less common in Europe, they remain a possibility. The complexity of monitoring and intelligence gathering requires international cooperation to prevent such attacks.

Recent attacks by ISIS-affiliated militants in Moscow demonstrate the deadly potential of shooting sprees in crowded areas. France's experience with knife and vehicle attacks adds another layer of concern.

The worst-case scenario involves multiple, simultaneous attacks across various locations, using diverse methods and targets, extending beyond athletic venues to include churches and synagogues.

The threat landscape is further complicated by the diverse pathways to radicalisation and varied motivations driving individuals to violence. Extremists draw inspiration from a range of ideologies, with motivations that may be personal, social, or political. The Olympics provide an attractive high-profile platform for extremist groups and individuals seeking to carry out attacks.

Security considerations extend beyond Olympic venues, encompassing all media-related and public events associated with the Games. Any security breach, regardless of location, could have far-reaching consequences due to the global reach of the Olympics.

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