New pollutants linked to altered ratio of baby boys to girls: Study

By  Rajan Nath December 3rd 2021 04:53 PM

According to a study, the changes in the human sex ratio at birth, defined as the percentage of newborn boys have been associated with the presence of air and water pollutants, but are not predictably linked with seasonality or weather. The study has been published in the 'PLOS Computational Biology Journal'. For years, people have had ideas--some in the realm of old wives' tales, and others backed up by small datasets--about what influences the ratio of baby boys to baby girls, which fluctuates over time. Also Read | Air pollution case: Why are schools open in Delhi? asks Supreme Court Air pollutants enter body through skin | Science News At a biological level, the sex ratio at birth (SRB) can be affected by hormonal factors that specifically terminate female or male embryos during pregnancy. Past studies have suggested pollutants, changes in weather, and psychological stress as possibly changing the SRB, but most studies have focused on just one or two factors at a time. Also Read | Omicron variant scare: DDMA issues guidelines for arrivals at Delhi airport Trending baby names in 2015: Venla and Ellen for girls, Leo and Emil for  boys | News | Yle Uutiset The study, led by Andrey Rzhetsky of the University of Chicago analyzed records from the IBM Health MarketScan insurance claim dataset on more than 3 million births in the US from 2003 to 2011, as well as records on more than 3 million births in the Swedish National Patient Registry from 1983 to 2013. Additional information on weather and pollutants at the time of each birth was available from other national databases. Why are more boys than girls born every single year? - BBC News According to the new analysis, changes to the SRB were not associated with seasons, ambient temperature, violent crime rates, unemployment rates, or commute times. There were numerous pollutants, however, that were found to be associated with changes to the SRB--some increasing the ratio of boys and others decreasing it. These pollutants included polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), iron, lead, mercury, carbon monoxide and aluminium in the air, and chromium and arsenic in water. Other factors found to have an association with the SRB included extreme droughts, traffic fatality rates, industrial permits, and vacant units in an area. When the researchers tested links between two stressful events in the US and the SRB in nearby areas, they found no association between Hurricane Katrina and the local SRB but a significant association in the case of the Virginia Tech shooting. -PTC News

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