DGCA issues safety alert for Boeing 737 aircraft following NTSB report on jammed rudder control system

By  Annesha Barua October 7th 2024 01:21 PM

PTC News Desk: The Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) has issued an urgent safety alert to Indian operators of Boeing 737 aircraft following concerns raised by the U.S. National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB). The NTSB's Aviation Investigation Report highlighted a potential safety hazard involving Boeing 737 planes equipped with Collins Aerospace SVO-730 Rudder Rollout Guidance Actuators, which could result in a jammed rudder control system.

This alert follows the NTSB’s warning about the risks of a jammed or restricted rudder control system, which could compromise the safety of flights operating Boeing 737 aircraft.

DGCA's Interim Safety Measures

In response to the NTSB's findings, the DGCA has issued several interim safety recommendations for all Indian airlines operating Boeing 737 aircraft. These measures are intended to mitigate the risks associated with potential rudder control system malfunctions until more detailed guidance is provided by Boeing and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).

Key actions mandated by the DGCA include:

  • Flight Crew Advisory: Airlines are required to inform all flight crews about the possibility of a jammed or restricted rudder control system through an official circular or advisory. Crews must also be briefed on how to identify and respond to such situations, ensuring appropriate mitigations are in place.

  • Safety Risk Assessment: Airlines are instructed to conduct a comprehensive Safety Risk Assessment for their Boeing 737 aircraft. This assessment should evaluate the specific risks associated with the rudder control system and implement necessary mitigations to address potential hazards.

  • Suspension of Category III B Operations: All Category III B approach, landing, and rollout operations, including practice or actual autoland procedures, have been suspended for affected Boeing 737 planes until further notice. This is to minimise the risk of incidents related to the rudder control system during critical flight phases.

  • Mandatory Training and Proficiency Checks: Discussions on potential rudder control system issues are now required to be included as a mandatory topic during Recurrent Training sessions and Instrument Rating/Proficiency Checks (IR/PPC). These topics must be addressed during pre-simulator briefings to ensure pilots are aware of and prepared for such scenarios.
  • Simulator-Based Training Exercises: Operators are instructed to incorporate specific exercises in Recurrent Training and IR/PPC that simulate scenarios involving a jammed or restricted rudder control system. These exercises will focus on proper rollout procedures and appropriate flight crew responses to ensure that crews can effectively manage these situations in real-life operations.

Ensuring Preparedness and Safety

These interim measures are designed to enhance flight safety by ensuring that flight crews are well-prepared to handle potential rudder control system failures. The DGCA's instructions come as a proactive response to the NTSB's report, with further detailed operational guidance expected from Boeing and the FAA in the near future.

Until additional guidance is provided, Indian operators are required to strictly adhere to these safety recommendations to minimise the risk of in-flight rudder malfunctions and ensure the continued safety of Boeing 737 operations in the country.

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