'PoK is up in flames': Watch Kashmiris chant 'lad ke lenge azaadi' in front of Pakistan Army

Two days earlier, thousands of protestors marched through Rawalkot towards Muzzaffarabad, the starting point of the anti-government demonstrations.

By  Annesha Barua May 12th 2024 03:50 PM -- Updated: May 16th 2024 01:06 PM

PTC News Desk: All of Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) is tense as a result of Kashmiris' unprecedentedly violent protests against high electricity prices, taxation problems, and historic inflation.

Two days earlier, thousands of protestors marched through Rawalkot towards Muzzaffarabad, the starting point of the anti-government demonstrations. With the use of tear gas and baton assaults, the army and police attempted to halt the march. When demonstrators turned against the police and started setting multiple security vehicles on fire, the altercation grew ugly. 

It has been reported that approximately twenty law enforcement and security officers were hurt. There are a number of images and videos circulating that show protesters abusing the security forces in PoK. Such images and videos from PoK, a crucial region of India, are abundant on Twitter, now called X. 

Security expert Sushant Sareen, who keeps a close eye on events in Pakistan, declared, "PoK is up in flames." "Yet another area under the control of Pakistan Army that has successfully pissed off every single nation under its jackboot - the Baloch, the Pashtuns, even the Punjabis, and now the people of PoJK and PoGB." 

Sareen responded to a tweet sent out by Pakistani journalist Ahmad Farhad with her remarks. "Pakistan se lain ge Azadi" is the slogan being yelled by Kashmiris in the PoK in front of the Pakistani army, according to a video that Ahamd posted. While enslaving their own people in Pakistan and stealing the mandate, they are losing Kashmir."

Laila Khan, who identifies as an Afghani national, posted a video of security officers using tear gas. Instead of endangering innocent people in Kashmir, she argued, Pakistan ought to deploy these soldiers in uniform to keep girls' schools in north Waziristan from being bombed.

Unidentified terrorists in Tehsil Shewa, north Waziristan, detonated a bomb at a private girls' school on May 8, Dawn reported on Sunday. They claimed that after torturing the school watchman, the jihadists detonated two school rooms.

Journalist Uzay Bulut, who was born in Turkey, claimed that Pakistan's repression of occupied Kashmir is getting harsher. She claimed that as a result of the Pakistani government's deployment of troops from Punjab Province to quell impending protests in the area on May 11, tensions in Pakistan-occupied Jammu and Kashmir (PoJK) are growing.

"The protests aim to address the Kashmiri people's economic, social, and political problems that Pakistan's government has failed to solve."

She claimed that the Pakistani government has received warnings from the Joint Awami Action Committee (JAAC) and the United Kashmir People's National Party (UKPNP) not to use force against demonstrators. "The warnings have apparently been ignored as Pakistan mobilised its troops to the area, leading to more protests."

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