Family strangles, throws UP teen into river for talking to boy

By  Shgun S February 10th 2024 02:00 PM

PTC News Desk: A teenager in Uttar Pradesh was strangled and thrown into the Yamuna by her family members, allegedly after being caught talking to a boy, according to police. Her screams alerted the villagers nearby, and she was rescued while her father and uncle fled the scene in Agra.

An attempt-to-murder case has been filed against the two men following a complaint from a 16-year-old Aligarh resident. The police are looking for the accused, while the Class 9 student has been taken to a shelter home.

The UP teen told child welfare officials that her father caught her talking to a male friend and then tried to get her married. When she refused, he tried to kill her.

Her father took her on a bike to a nearby village under the pretext of going to Gurugram, where he worked for a private company. When they reached the pontoon bridge over the Yamuna, they were joined by his uncle, who attempted to strangle her with a muffler. Then they tossed her into the river and fled, according to Girish Kumar, Assistant Commissioner of Police in Fatehabad.

Hearing her screams, locals called for help and divers on the riverbank rushed in and pulled her ashore.

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