Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday said that this is a long war against the coronavirus pandemic and that we do not have to get tired or take rest. While addressing the party workers at BJP headquarters on the occasion of BJP's 40th Foundation Day, PM Modi said that "This foundation day of BJP has come at a time when not only the country but also the world is going through a difficult time."
"Humanity is facing a crisis, our devotion to service of the country creates our path during this challenging time," he added. Meanwhile, PM Modi said that "India has worked rapidly with a holistic approach that is being appreciated by not only Indians but also World Health Organisation (WHO). "All countries should come together and fight this, so India had active participation in the meeting of the SAARC countries and the G20 meeting."
He added that "India's efforts have set an example before the world in tackling coronavirus pandemic. India is one of the countries which understood the seriousness of this disease and waged a timely war against it. India took several decisions and tried its best to implement them on the ground."