Indian Bus Conductor planted 3 lakh saplings, 28 years, 32 districts. We are proud!

By  Nimrat Kaur October 13th 2017 05:13 PM

This bus conductor from Coimbatore has been giving back to mother earth in the most wonderful way mankind has ever though. While most of us take from nature, create technology and talking about moving on, this man finds ways different to move on by giving back to nature for over 28 years. The 49 year old M Yoganathan has planted more than 3 lakh saplings across 32 of Tamil Nadu's districts. He has been fighting against the cutting of trees for firewood since 1987, he said. On my weekly off, Monday, I go plant trees in all educational institutions like schools, colleges and universities. He has visited over 3,000 schools across the state to organize plantation drives.^tfw&ref_url= In educational institutions, whenever a tree is planted by a student, Yoganathan names the tree after the child inspiring the child to take care of the sapling as his/her sibling. Over the years, Yoganathan has received many awards such as the “Eco-Warrior Award” and a State Environment Department Award in 2008, a CNN-IBN Real Heroes Award in 2011 and a Periyar Award in 2015. He is working towards a really noble cause despite his limited means, with the help of his wife and kids.  Becoming an inspiration to numerous we hope this men get you to care for the environment! -PTC News

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