Experiencing blurry vision? Here ways to treat it

By  Shefali Kohli January 16th 2024 07:00 AM

Experiencing blurry vision? Amidst a busy professional life, are you also experiencing blurry vision? Are you also unable to see the presentation in the meetings or everything gets dark in the mid of your working hours? Or you constantly glued to your laptop and smartphone, and experience blurred vision and headaches? 

Laptops, tablets, smartphones, and e-readers have seamlessly integrated into our daily routines, becoming essential tools. Many professions require extended periods of computer work, and the rise of social networking sites has heightened the necessity of staying connected.

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From the time we wake up in the morning till the time we are off to bed we are continuously using digital screens. The increased interaction with digital screens has resulted in blurry vision or weak eyesight and leads to vision-related problems from prolonged computer, tablet, e-reader and mobile phone use.

People with weak eyesight and blurry vision often complain of tired eyes, headaches, neck pain and dry eyes. While the complete boycott of gadgets isn't plausible, here are some useful tips to maintain healthy eyesight. 


Ways to treat blurry vision 

Be cautious of your screen time: Reduce digital eye strain by making use of screen time wisely. Keep away your smartphones and tablets before bedtime rather than staring at those screens in the dark. Try and make use of digital screens mostly for work-related purposes.

The 20-20-20 rule: As per the rule, in every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break and focus your eyes on something at least 20 feet away. This will not only reduce eye strain but will also keep you active throughout your schedule.

Stay Hydrated: Dehydration can affect your eyes. Drink enough water throughout the day to maintain overall health.

Maintain a Healthy Diet: Eat a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals, particularly those beneficial for eye health, such as vitamin A, C, and E.

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Adjust your screen settings: If the current settings of your laptop or desktop are causing eye strain, then adjust the screen brightness, contrast, and font size until you find what's best for you

Exercise your eyes : Owing to the increased exposure in front of computer screens and mobile phones, it is quite likely for a lot of people to experience irritation or blurred vision on a daily basis. To avoid these eye problems, practice a few simple eye exercises like eye rolling, repeated blinking and focusing on a distant object to give some respite to your strained eyes.

Daily food items that can improve eyesight; check list

Use appropriate glasses: There are computer glasses specifically designed to reduce eye strain, headaches, eye fatigue, and eye soreness. Wear them regularly if you're constantly glued to the digital screens. These eyeglasses are able to filter out blue light emitted from the computers, smartphones and tablets.



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