Do extroverts sleep better than introverts? Know science behind sleep and personality type

Extroverts may experience more uninterrupted sleep throughout the night and tend to have higher levels of energy during waking hours compared to introverts

By  Shefali Kohli May 1st 2024 06:25 PM

Do extroverts sleep better than introverts ? The relationship between sleep quality and personality traits like extroversion and introversion is complex and can vary from person to person. While some studies suggest that extroverts may have an easier time falling asleep due to their sociable and outgoing nature, others indicate that introverts may actually experience deeper and more restful sleep

If you are one of those who are prone to nightmares or fighting a battle with insomnia, then here is the science you should know behind sleep and personality type

People tend to think that their sleep habits have to do a lot with external factors, but according to a new study, your personality can be one of the main factors that can impact your sleep at night. It is suggested that being an introvert or extrovert has the highest impact on how well you are sleeping at night,

 An extrovert is someone who focuses on the outer world, whereas someone, who prefers the inner world, is labelled as an introvert.

Study and science suggests that extroverts may experience more uninterrupted sleep throughout the night and tend to have higher levels of energy during waking hours compared to introverts. 

According to a study, extroverts are 17.7% more likely to report satisfaction with their energy levels during the day. Furthermore, the study indicates that introverts are more prone to experiencing nightmares and unclear dreams compared to extroverts.

Interestingly, the content of dreams also varies between extroverts and introverts. Extroverts are more likely to dream about travel adventures, whereas introverts may dream about scenarios such as their teeth falling out or being unable to effectively punch something. Additionally, the study highlights that introverts are more likely to struggle with staying awake when they desire to do so, compared to extroverts.

Overall, these findings suggest that personality traits, such as extroversion and introversion, may influence sleep patterns, dream content, and the ability to stay awake during the day. 

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