Delhis Covid-19 rising rapidly; Whats more important — elections or lives?

By  Rajan Nath January 3rd 2022 03:27 PM -- Updated: January 3rd 2022 03:32 PM

Delhi's Covid-19 rising rapidly; What's more important — elections or lives? Two years on, the most "unwanted" guest Covid-19 is not ready to leave. As normalcy begins to return, an uptick in Covid cases is back owing to the lackadaisical attitude of people. The pandemic has indeed put everyone's life on loop. It all started from Covid-19, then Delta made its entry and now Omicron, which is deemed to be more infectious, has made one's life vulnerable again. And as soon as Covid-19 cases start showing upwards trends, politicians "dig out" their previous speeches — "Must follow Covid-Appropriate Behaviour, wear a mask, maintain sanitisation etc. Also Read | This state now shuts schools, colleges amid Covid surge; offices to function with 50% staff Likewise, several state governments resort to Covid restrictions to contain the spread of the virus. But here arises one question — Why does Covid return only near the elections? Last time when Covid-19 was at a peak leading to the deadliest second wave, political parties were busy rallying and addressing huge crowds in West Bengal. Similarly, the threat of a possible third wave of Covid-19 is looming large, but politicians are busy addressing rallies ahead of the Assembly elections in Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Goa, Manipur, and Uttarakhand. Coronavirus India Live Updates: India reports 33,750 fresh Covid-19 cases When Covid cases are rising in the national capital, its Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal is busy holding rallies in Chandigarh, Punjab, and Uttarakhand. At the same time, he is urging people not to panic and follow Covid-appropriate behaviour while he himself stay away from wearing a mask during public rallies. In a victory procession led by him in Chandigarh recently, hundreds of thousands of people were present and most were without masks. Social distancing norm was also given the go-by. Are these Covid-appropriate norms Delhi CM often talk about when cases see surge? Not only Delhi CM, but Punjab Chief Minister Charanjit Singh Channi has also been maintaining that the Covid situation in his state is under control and that people are being sensitised to take all precautionary measures as per health protocols. But how many people wear masks in Punjab? When the state Chief Minister himself does not believe in following norms, how can he expect his people to follow the guidelines? So what's more important — elections or lives? (The views are those of the author) Also Read | Covid-19 vaccination of children aged 15-18 years begins -PTC News

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