Chandigarh, August 13: The anti-gangster task force (AGTF) of Punjab Police has arrested two members of the Bambiha gang. The officials produced the arrested accused before the Court after which they were sent to five-day police remand. According to sources, the arrested accused have been identified as Pritpal Singh and Rakesh Kumar and were allegedly involved in cross-border smuggling of arms and drugs. The officials also recovered narcotics worth Rs 90,000 from their possession. Also Read | Salman Rushdie on ventilator after attack, may lose an eye Sources said that the duo worked for Harpreet Singh, alias Happy Bhullar, a notorious gangster associated with the Bambiha gang. Happy Bhullar was arrested from the Dhakoli-Panchkula border in Mohali on August 8. Rajwinder Singh and Parambir Singh alias Bobby were also arrested with Harpreet. They were wanted in multiple Arms Act and NDPS Act cases. As per the sources, arrested gang members - Pritpal and Rakesh - used to sell the consignment of drugs that Bambiha gang history sheeter Happy Bhullar smuggled from the Pakistani side. Happy Bhullar used the proceeds from the sale of drugs to purchase the weapons he later used in crimes. Also Read | PM Modi set to host CWG 2022 medal winners at his official residence -PTC News